This time, you need to be inspired by a SPECIFIC image from the inspiration - and each one can only be done ONCE! You CANNOT pre-claim anything, or use one someone else has already styled. It is only by submitting your finished outfit that the image is yours. There are more than enough to have one per person, but the longer you wait, the less selection there will be.
We recommend using the colours, names, and cutie marks to inspire your outfit, but you may also want to look up their origins and background stories. If you do so, make sure to comment such and what influence it had on your look when you submit. Beware, there are different versions in different countries (ie different hair colours) and we ONLY want you to use the ones as shown in the pictures below.
Again, you CANNOT CLAIM THEM until your outfit has been submitted, and you CANNOT use one that someone else has already done.

Hula Hula

July Waterlily

Baby Milkweed

Bright Eyes UK

Baby Cotton Candy Argentina

Baby Meadowsweet UK

We recommend using the colours, names, and cutie marks to inspire your outfit, but you may also want to look up their origins and background stories. If you do so, make sure to comment such and what influence it had on your look when you submit. Beware, there are different versions in different countries (ie different hair colours) and we ONLY want you to use the ones as shown in the pictures below.
Again, you CANNOT CLAIM THEM until your outfit has been submitted, and you CANNOT use one that someone else has already done.
The Ponies:
Boysenberry PieHula Hula
July Waterlily
Baby Milkweed
Bright Eyes UK
Baby Cotton Candy Argentina
Baby Meadowsweet UK